

Jump into an unforgettable adventure and Go Pro with our PADI DIVEMASTERcourse in Indonesia! A journey that combines amazing experiences, both above and below the water, with a professional certification.

Not only do you get to live on a tropical island for a couple of months, you will earn a professional qualification that allows you to supervise recreational diving activities and assist on PADI training courses. Plus, you’ll just be one step away from becoming a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor!

During our extensive programme, you’ll be working closely with our team of experienced instructors as you improve your skills, master dive theory and take your diving to the next level. As Indonesia's largest dive operation and the Gili Islands original dive centre, our experience and reach is unmatched in the region, which is why our Divemaster programme is such a popular choice for the new generation of PADI pros!

The best way to observe a fish is to become a fish. Jacques Cousteau

dive master course

what's included?


Improve your skills with workshops encompassing all aspects of diving, like buoyancy, navigation, Marine life ID, dive briefings & guiding divers, plus much more.

Dedicated Instructor Mentor

Learn from the best. Blue Marlin’s team of experienced instructors teach diving day-in-day-out and know what it takes to be a professional.

On-site training pool

You’ll be joining our instructors in the pool for skills circuits, DSD workshops and assisting on courses, plus jump in whenever you want for that extra bit of practice.

Unlimited diving

Before you start and during your course, enjoy unlimited diving on our day boats. We find that most of our DMTs log anywhere between 60-100 dives during their time with us.


No need to travel with the bulky stuff if you don't want to, we include equipment with the course. You will only need your own mask, computer & SMB.

Discounts & T-shirts

You’ll receive 2 free t-shirts plus 10% off specialties like Nitrox and Deep, 10% off gear purchases at the dive centre, and 10% off our bar and restaurant!

book today
gili trawangan
IDR16.000.000/ STANDARD
gili meno
IDR16.000.000/ STANDARD
gili air
IDR16.000.000/ STANDARD
IDR28.000.000/ STANDARD
lombok senggigi
IDR15.000.000/ STANDARD
lombok kuta
IDR19.000.000/ STANDARD

Note: Prices are not inclusive of Marine Park Fees, where applicable.

what should you expect?

A diver carries her tank from the boat.

getting started

You only take the Divemaster course once, so it's important you start on the right foot! The PADI Divemaster course is split into 3 sections: Knowledge Development, Waterskills, and Practical Application. After securing your place with us we will send you the Divemaster elearning, so you can get a head start on the knowledge. When you arrive we then begin with a thorough course and dive centre orientation. Here you’ll learn all about what your training will involve and how the first few weeks will unfold, you’ll also receive your physical PADI Divemaster Crewpak and learn who your mentor is!

Training Workshops

During the first 10 days you’ll participate in different workshops giving you the foundational skills and knowledge of a Divemaster. In these instructor-led sessions you’ll learn and practise important dive skills such as buoyancy, boat set-up, dive briefings, guiding training and navigation. You’ll also get familiar with the dive sites and how to read water conditions with current checks and drift diving techniques. Starting out with the base knowledge enables you to develop properly and get the most out of your time with us.

Divemaster candidates prepare to practice skills in the pool.
Smiling divemaster on the surface after a dive

Hands-on experience

As you progress through the programme you’ll start assisting on real courses and experiences with actual students. This exposure allows you to really get involved in the day-to-day life of the dive centre and to develop your skills alongside instructors in real-world diving scenarios. As a busy dive destination we are constantly running DSDs, Open water, Advanced and Rescue courses. In your spare time you’ll also be drawing up your dive site map, practising your boat and dive briefing and completing the swim tests.

Learning from others

We believe it's really important that you get the benefit of working with various instructors during your course, this way you can see different styles and approaches plus learn from their different experiences. But in addition to this you will have a dedicated Mentor for your training. You will work closely with them in workshops and courses, plus they will oversee your progression throughout the internship and be your go-to for questions or help.

Divemaster candidates prepare to practice skills in the pool.
Smiling divemaster on the surface after a dive

Becoming Professional

Towards the end you’ll be the star of your own course. Now it’s up to you to be in charge of organising a dive trip. Prepare the dive equipment and boat roster, give briefings and guide certified divers – all under the watchful eyes of your mentor. A “stress test” (technically known as the equipment exchange) will mark your last in-water exam before you become a real PADI Divemaster. Finally, your course will conclude with the legendary Snorkel Test. But that’s a story for later on in your training…

be prepared


Want to knock out the theory before your big trip?


the next step

Become an Instructor. Sign up for your IDC.

Looking for your next challenge and some serious fun?

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